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""COVID 19 Vaccine Side Effects Treatment"- Homeopathic Medicines to treat Ill effects of COVID Vaccine

 What to do about side effects..?

'Homeopathic Medicines For COVID-19 VACCINE'

In this feature, we look at over-the-counter options and Homeopathic remedies for COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

All vaccines, including those for COVID-19, carry the possibility of side effects. Across the globe, there are currently 15 COVID-19 vaccines that are authorized for use in at least one country each.

The most common side effects following COVID-19 vaccines are fatigue, a fever, headaches, body aches, chills, nausea, diarrhea, and pain at the site of injection, according to the World Health Organization.

Everyone is affected differently by vaccination. Some people may experience few or no side effects while others may experience multiple side effects and feel pretty ill.

In this feature, we explain what to do about side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Over-the-counter treatments

Anyone concerned about the side effects of vaccination might wonder they should take an over-the-counter medication before getting the vaccine, to ward off any side effects before they occur.

However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) do not recommend it. While taking steps to prevent symptoms of other health issues is a good idea, that is not the case here.

It is best to wait and see whether any side effects arise, then treat these individually, as opposed to guessing and taking several over-the-counter products ahead of time.

But what if a person is unable to contact their pharmacist and needs immediate relief from muscle aches, injection site pain, a fever, or a combination of these issues? In this case, the following may help:


ibuprofen (Advil)

acetaminophen or paracetamol (Tylenol)


'Homeopathic medicines'-Homeopathic tips on how to minimise the risk of vaccine side Effects:-

There are a few things that you can do to minimise your chances of incurring side effects when you have any vaccine, be it Covid or any other. The critical thing to do is give your immune system a big boost before and after each vaccination with optimal nutrition and taking these simple steps listed below: 

Step 1: Take the homeopathic remedy Thuja Occidentalis 30c - 2 days before vaccination and a few hours right after your shot. For those who are allergic, Histaminum helps with possible allergic skin reactions. These remedies (and more) can be ordered at our clinic.

Step 2: One hour before being vaccinated, take a high dose fish oil supplement. This helps to prevent an adjuvant called lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from causing inflammation (especially in the brain). Aim for 2-3gm. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, anchovies and sardines provide about 1 gram of omega-3s in each 3.5-ounce portion.  

Step 3: Take 1000mg Vitamin C - 2-3 times daily between meals for 3 days around every vaccination. This powerful anti-inflammatory will protect your immune system. You can take more, but if you experience loose bowels, that is the sign that you have taken enough. 

Step 4: Take the herbal remedy Echinacea for a week before and a week after your dose. This gentle herb turbo-charges the whole immune system naturally. Please remember only to take it for 2 weeks at a time for optimal efficacy.

Step 5: Apply an ice pack to the site of the vaccination and re-apply regularly throughout the day for 10-15 mins a time to reduce localised inflammation (and on consecutive days if it continues to hurt).

Step 6: Take Vitamin E for several weeks to reduce any potential negative immune reactions. You can also adjust your diet to include foods that have a high content of natural Vitamin E, such as avocados, seeds, raw red bell peppers, etc. 

If you do have any concerns and wish to discuss these in more detail, please feel free to reach out to Lisa. She is more than happy to talk to you, and can make individual remedy packages on request.

What is ‘COVID arm’? 

This can be a side effect of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. It is a red, blotchy rash that can appear around the injection site, typically about 7 days after receiving the first dose of vaccine, though the timing can vary.

While the appearance of the rash may be alarming, it is not life threatening. If this rash develops and is bothersome, use a cool compress — either a cool, clean wet washcloth or an ice pack wrapped in a towel.

Another option is to speak with a pharmacist to determine whether taking an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), would be safe. Antihistamines can cause drowsiness, so a person should not drive until they are certain about the effects of the medication.

The rash tends to last about 5 days, but it may last as long as 3 weeks. There is no need for concern if it develops after and lasts longer than other vaccine side effects.

How long do side effects last? 

Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines should only last for a few days. If they last longer, contact a doctor.

Some side effects, such as a fever, chills, and fatigue, are also symptoms of COVID-19. It is possible to get a SARS-CoV-2 infection right before or after receiving the vaccine — before the body has a chance to produce the right antibodies and build up immunity. Also, while the vaccines are very effective, they do not guarantee 100% protection against the virus.

It is important to keep in mind that no vaccine can cause COVID-19 because none contains the entire SARS-CoV-2 virus. Anyone who develops COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine was likely exposed to the virus before they could build up enough immunity.

If side effects that resemble COVID-19 symptoms persist, take a COVID-19 test and follow local guidelines about self-isolation.

When to see a doctor :-

Contact a healthcare professional if any side effects grow significantly worse. This might involve extreme tenderness, pain, or redness at the injection site. Also, seek professional care if any side effects last longer than a few days.

Anyone who may be having a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine should call 911 or otherwise receive emergency medical attention. This reaction can lead to anaphylaxis and may involve difficulty breathing, closing of the throat, facial swelling, and hives.

These reactions to the vaccine are very rare, and anaphylaxis affects 2–5 in every 1 million people who receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Anaphylactic reactions to the vaccine tend to occur quickly. After having a dose of the vaccine, a person will be observed by a healthcare professional for about 15 minutes. This is to ensure that if an allergic reaction occurs, medical professionals are on hand and prepared with treatment.


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