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Homeopathic Management For COVID-19 Patients ( Arsenicum Album-30)

'Ministry of AYUSH'

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Guidelines for Homoeopathy Practitioners for Prophylaxis and Symptomatic  Management of Home IsolatedCOVID-19 Patients


Thesecond wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has major devastating effect in with increasing number of of cases, and hospitalizations. Effective management to address this infection is still evolving and attempts are being made to integrate complementary and alternative Interventions along with standard care.Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has advised home isolation of Confirmed COVID-19 cases, which are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, and quarantine the individuals who had a contact with confirmed COVID 19 individuals ral Disclaimer.

• Patients need to have a general consultation froma qualified physician before starting any intervention.

• In all moderate/severe cases, immediate referral to a higher medical centre as per the Government guidelines is advised.

• Patients with co-morbidities like hypertension, diabetes etc., are advised to continue their respective medications and continue taking consultation from their family physicians.

• Physicians are required to prescribe medicines, potencies and dosage as per Homoeopathic principles. 

Recommendation of Prophylactic measures For Healthy Population

 Firstly, people must follow the general protective measure advised by health authorities such as social distancing, using appropriate mask properly, hand washing and sanitization, vaccination etc. The Scientific Advisory Board of the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy(CCRH) reiterates the previous advisory on the use of Arsenicum album 30C as an immune booster for prophylaxis against COVID-19 infection. However, keeping inview, high transmission rate in the second wave and possible airborne spread, and results of the prophylactic studies, the repetition of the regimen may be done after 21 days instead of 30 days as advised earlier.

The recommended dose is – Arsenicum album in 30C potency, 4 globules of size 30, once daily in the morning, preferably empty stomach for three days and to be repeated in the same manner after 3 weeks.

Management Guidelines for Home-Isolated COVID-19 Patients.The COVID-19 infected casesare asymptomatic or symptomatic. The symptomatic cases are classified Mild, Moderate,Severeor critical according to the presentation. 

The common clinical features observed in mild COVID-19 cases include sore throat, fever, body-ache,nasal congestion, and dry cough without any shortness of breath. Some patients are also reporting diarrhoea, loss of taste/smell etc.

Some of the asymptomatic cases can be in the pre-symptomatic stage. Considering this possibility, the patient(s) should observe evolving symptoms or signs. This watchfulness Should not lead to undue anxiety.

Symptomatic management of home isolated asymptomatic & mild COVID-19 patients


Arsenicum album30C 4 globules twice daily for seven days.

Mild COVlD-19 PositiveFever,Headache,Malaise,Dry Cough,Sore throat,Nasal Congestion,Myalgias,Oxygen saturation levels above 94%, Indicated medicine as per totalityof symptoms. Commonly indicated medicines according to results of clinical studies are;

Homeopathic Medicine For COVID-19 Patients;-


album, Belladonna, Bryonia

alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum.,


Gelsemium, Phosphorus, Rhus


Doses And Repetition;

The dose and repetitionof the medicineto be determined by the treating physician as pperhomoeopathic principles. Immediate contact of infected person Asymptomatic immediate contacts of infectedpersons


"Arsenicum album30C" - 4 globules once daily for

seven days.

General guidelines

1. Monitor the sick person’s symptoms regularly. Monitor for fever and oxygens saturation levels twice a day.

2. Pay special attention if the person is at risk with serious illness and advise investigations and monitoring accordingly.

3. Ensure the sick person takes adequate rest and sleep and stays hydrated.

4. Limit the patient’s movement around the house and minimize shared space. Ensure that the house, particularly shared spaces (e.g. kitchen, bathroom) are well ventilated.

5. Household members should avoid entering the room where the patient is isolated or, if that is not possible, maintain a distance of at least one metre from the patient (e.g. sleep on a separate bed).

6. Limit the number of caregivers. Ideally, assign one person who is in good health and has no underlying chronic conditions as the caregiver.

7. Visitors should not be allowed in the home until the person has completely recovered, shows no signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or has been released from isolation.

8. Maintain all rules and regulations for isolation and home quarantine of infected persons as per applicable provisions of the district / state authorities.

Dietary guidelines

1. Gargle with warm water with an added pinch of turmeric and salt.

2. Food should be freshly prepared, andeasily digestible. Avoid processed foods.

3. Avoid excessive intake of fats, oils, sugar and salt.

4. These suggested guidelines are supported by homoeopathic literature and emerging evidence based on COVID-19 studies undertaken by the CCRH under the directions of Ministry of AYUSH. These guidelines can be followed for all age groups including cchildren


1. Guidelines for Homoeopathic practitioners for COVID-19; available at

2. Advisory from Ministry of AYUSH for meeting the challenge arising out of spread of

corona virus (COVID-19) in India; available at https://wwwayush.govin/docs/25.pdf.

3. Home care for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and management of

their contacts; available at



4. Study report - Effectiveness of Arsenicum Album 30c in Prevention of Covid-19 in

Individuals Residing in Hot Spots of Red Zones– A Multicentric, Randomised,

Cluster Level, Controlled Trial

5. Study report - Effectiveness of Arsenicum album 30c In Prevention of Covid-19 In

Individuals Residing in Hotspots of Red Zones in Delhi– A Prospective Cohort Study

6. Study report –Effectiveness of individualized homoeopathy as an add-on to standard

treatment of covid-19 - a multicentric, randomized, parallel arm, single blind,

placebo, controlled trial

7. Study report –Homeopathy as adjuvant to standard treatment protocol in management

of corona virus infection- a randomized, placebo controlled, open label study.

8. Study report –Real time effect of Arsenicum Album 30C in prevention of COVID 19:

a mass level Pan India observational study.


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